A Time for Growth

Everything is moving, developing, growing, expanding and emerging as the sun gives light and warmth and the rain provides essential gifts for life to be sustained.


We are still evolving as our consciousness expands to fulfil our purpose – to live our lives and simply be! Yes! We are enough! You are enough! Life is truly to be enjoyed and experienced to the fullest capacity we have individually. You are uniquely you and you have all the tools, the powers and the skills that you need to express yourself and add to the joy around you. Sure, there are negative and destructive ones doing their own best attempts and we honour them with love to live their own lives, but we do not have to engage with them. We always have choice in everything.


We all have the same twenty-four hours in each day. How we ‘spend’ them is in our own power. We can squander them in slumber (figuratively and actually) or we can experience every moment of every hour, present, awake, aware and available to witness and engage in the wonder of all that is.


Live like you mean it!