Testimonials - Each and every one of my clients is unique and they are very special people who have been guided to me for growth and healing. I thank all those who have written testimonials for publication and for all those equally precious words that will remain forever confidential.

“I met Michael almost by accident and so unfolded a serendipitous relationship which has without question expanded my life beyond possible comprehension.

Through Michaels’ astute listening and great experience, I have come to learn how much my own views of both my situation and myself confined me.

I began to understand that despite not having particularly useful role models or feedback during formative years, that simple attention to my internal state would guide my experience in increasingly surprising ways. As my availability for life increased, not only has my hallmark intensity and anxiety all but evaporated, but my happiness and my self-awareness have greatly improved. These factors in turn have greatly increased my availability and capacity for love, happiness and consequently success on many levels. Thank you, doesn’t really say it.”


"My journey with Michael is something that I will truly cherish.  Michael taught me to love and respect myself, to not be fearful and be true to myself, my thoughts and feelings. I feel we have a special relationship which I will truly cherish for ever and will be eternally grateful for all the help and guidance this wonderful man has shown me! “

Leigh-Ann Constantine

Residential Lettings Agent

Kent, England

“I have had the good fortune to work with Michael. 

He has great personal and professional qualities that make him a brilliant healer. Active listening, loving and supporting energy, wisdom, experience, willing to help from the heart and he always offers his best. Qualities that I really enjoy during our sessions that are healing as well and bring me to personal breakthroughs.”

Beatriz Alvarez

Business & Lifestyle Coach

Barcelona, Spain

“There are no rules, we are all unique. This principle is what I like most about Michael. Michael didn’t teach me any philosophies or belief systems. Rather, he invited me to consider ideas, options and points of view. Some of them I found extremely valuable and useful, some less so and some not at all. The thing is: That’s OK. We don’t all fit neatly into the prevailing or popular psychological, spiritual, societal or other model of the day. But we don’t have to. And that realisation is very powerful indeed. You are in fact completely free to be just you. The true, pure you. It really can be done. Untainted by influences, pressures and expectations created by others. But also created by you. Michael has made a real and tangible difference to my life and I cannot recommend him highly enough.”

Hydor Honiball

Freelance IT Consultant

Kent, England     

“Thank you for your healing. For creating for me that space I needed to open my heart feeling safe and taken care of. For creating the space to help me support my emotions.

Thank you for opening that door and making me feel my emotions are important. For letting me feel that I have the right to have them and express them. And thank you also for allowing me to feel that father figure and love I was missing so much and I have never had. Thanks for showing me unconditional love from a man is possible.”


"Michael’s unique approach makes me not only feel comfortable, but also safe to share. The sense of presence, peace and loving kindness he brings isn't like anything I have experienced before. 

No matter what the problem might be, he approaches it with such clarity and love that I am left feeling calm and empowered every time"

Valeria Rodriguez

Yoga Teacher and Wellness Practitioner
