
The Perfumer’s Organ, Grasse, Provence, France.



Life presents a succession of events, opportunities and challenges that require us to make choices. How we go about making them shapes our life experience and enjoyment.


Let’s consider each choice as an ingredient added to the whole, making it a recipe. In a perfume, there are top notes, heart notes and bass notes. Each have characteristics and complement each other to combine into the desired perfume. The balance between the three notes will alter the quality and overall character.


Sometimes we don’t even realise we have choice and deny it as an excuse. We are often constrained by fear and do not make choices, and are led by others as a consequence. Once we accept and understand that we, and only we, have power over our lives, we can take responsibility for the outcomes. Then the choices become real and conscious. Changes can be made in priorities, in time, finance, company and everything. Life possibilities open up and the world is brighter. Colours intensify and experiences deepen. It is time to enjoy all that is!