Harmony & Reconciliation

If we make judgements and have opinions, we will inevitably have differences with others. It can be helpful and stimulating to discuss and debate with an open mind and sometimes to agree to disagree. Conflict arises with wilful belief in right and desire for power and domination. The mind, as a tool, can be focused and resolute to achieve a goal for good or otherwise. A closed mind that accommodates a strong ego can be self-destructive in growing isolation.


It is only when we consider what is in the highest and best interest of all concerned, including the Self, that we can have sustained peace and harmony. When music is arranged for four voices; Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass, they are often singing different notes, words and rhythms. The arrangement is in constant flux and the voices may call the tune in turn and in different ways. What makes this pleasing to the ear is the expression of different chords and unexpected dis-chords that end in resolution.


Whatever the conflict, if we can open our hearts and minds, there is a route to reconciliation.


May Peace be with us all.

Photo credit: The Friends of Canterbury Cathedral