

With all the changes, flux and upheavals in our world right now, it is easy to feel discombobulated and detached from the world we knew. Anxiety about the future – what is in store for us? When will things get back to normal? One thought leads to another and the mind can quickly descend into abject fear, if we let it. But let’s not!


When things look and feel unfamiliar and not what we are expecting, the mind is challenged and triggered. This is often because it has become conditioned to the judgements and expectations of the voices, forces and influences of the outside world that surrounds us. When this happens, it is time to take back our power from within and go beyond the mind. Regaining our seat of power enables us to regain our stability. We can see what is in front of us, not what the mind imagines. What is real is less challenging or frightening than what the mind offers. It is fine for entertainment, but not for living.


Accepting what is. Without judgement. Is it any of my business?

Freeing the mind of unnecessary concerns brings lightness and capacity for joy, happiness and contentment.


Accepting what will be. Without judgement or fear.

This is possible through living from our core being of love and knowing that all is well and everything happens for a purpose and for the highest and best good for all concerned.