
We are Love – Humanity is Love. We have an infinite capacity…


In this age of the Internet, social media and live reporting, most news is bad news – it sells. It excites the curiosity of the mind and feeds fear, then spreads like wild-fire! Why do people ‘enjoy’ horror movies?


Good news is either viewed with suspicion or dismissed. Heroic or selfless deeds are fêted and often emulated. There is so much good doing on in the world, that we take it for granted or over-look it. In fact, good is ‘normal’ and bad is ‘exceptional’. It was ever thus! The mass consciousness has been schooled to look for the bad and multiply it; to exaggerate it and spread it. It’s just fear.


When we leave ourselves too open to outside negative news, opinions and influences, the antidote is ‘All is well!’ Because, it is! Sometimes, in the confines of our mind, the microcosm of our human experience, we identify with hurt, pain, loss and discomfort. This is our reality that we endure. It is difficult to see the beauty of the lessons of life at that time, if ever. That is OK. It’s neither right nor wrong. It just is.


Trees have long been seen as representing the ultimate in hospitality and safety, as well as a mystical symbol of truth and bravery. In this setting the Oak stood as a firm reminder that humankind has the ability to overcome all odds as well as a tremendous capacity for kindness even to strangers whose path we cross.


Whatever today brings, I will smile and emanate love into all my interactions with the Universe and be thankful for the trees around me.