Loss - people leaving

When people walk away from you, let them go. Do not take it personally. You are being freed, not rejected.

Your future is never tied to anyone who leaves you, in life nor in death.

It doesn’t mean they have become bad people; it just means that their part in your life story is over and there is more room for others to enter.

Bid them farewell with utmost love and honour, welcome in the new and celebrate your freedom.

If it is a bereavement, it’s natural to feel hurt, loss, anger, denial even abandonment. A strong attachment to the departed can leave a void of confusion and inadequacy. Grieving is a very individual process and takes as long as you need, be it months or years. Eventually you can reclaim the part of you that you gave to the other and become whole again, ready to step back into your very own life-stream.

Whatever the loss, whatever the pain – it too shall pass.


Of Leaves and Life

Letting go and being taken by the breeze,

Swirling, falling, flying, if you please,

Never imagined such adventure and delight

Would be possible considering its plight!


So, having fulfilled its original purpose,

(Making use of photosynthesis)

the humble leaf rejoins the earth

amid much rustling and mirth


In golden majesty for all to see

Beneath the aged mighty tree

It lay quite still, curled and spent

Quiet, calm and quite content


What an amazing inexorable journey

Nevertheless, unique and worldly

Having left this life to bring

A new awakening in the Spring.


Michael 6.11.2015