New life. New way of living?

Here in the south of England, we know that, in April, the weather is changeable. This year, with a backdrop of a pandemic, we have had a few days of mid-summer sun; followed by morning fog and damp; overnight frost; cold NW winds; days of sustained rainfall and the rest!


This is not new, yet it’s remarkable. Having been confined to our homes for extended periods, we have had to face an invisible life-threatening virus. It is very uncomfortable to realise that we are not in control – maybe, that we are even out of control in our relationship with our planet and in conflict with our global environment. It has been very humbling to realise the global reach of a virus and its impact upon our race – the Human race. It’s yet another wake-up call for us to relearn the natural empathy of our forefathers who lived in harmony with Nature and respected and nurtured their environment.


Just as animals, trees, plants, insects and all living things, learn to adjust and adapt to change; so must we. We can, and we have. The challenge now is to vaccinate the world human population and every living soul is equally important.


As we witness Nature awake and another cycle of life emerge, we too, are invited to wake up to the wonder of life and all that it offers, if we are willing to be ourselves. Our True Original Selves. Who we are meant to be. The best we can be.


Who will you choose to be today?