Not Taking Life for Granted

As we all experience our unique journey through this global pandemic, many are receiving a heightened awareness of the fragility of what we call ‘civilisation’. A realisation of ‘what was’, no longer ‘is’ and most likely never will be again. There are so many shifts in our environment and our responses to them. Everything is constantly changing like standing on shifting sands. We naturally resist change because it raises the unknown. Living in constant uncertainty is very challenging for most of us. We fret about the next change; what will happen? What if? How will I cope? In short it breeds fear.


It is already apparent that the world will not be free of COVID-19 any time soon. More likely, we may have to adapt to live with it and even with vaccines to protect most of us, it will have changed our way of life – some things for the better. It has also shown us that we have to care for the whole population of the world, not just the wealthy and powerful.


We have a greater awareness that we have taken so much for granted in our everyday lives. Rather than fear the changes and losses, we can appreciate what we have and enjoy the present. Seeing the good, feeling the love and receiving the awesomeness of ‘all that is’ overcomes the fear and frees us to, once again, enjoy the world and our part in it. Being in the world, but not of it. Being ‘present’ as a living sentient Being through consciousness. Just going through the motions of collective thinking, judgements and expectations leads to regrets of what could have been. Choose to live like you mean it! […and look after the bees!]


‘Living every moment as though it were my last’ is a rather dramatic insight into the realization that I have the choice to simply allow myself to enjoy this moment and be fully ‘present’ and aware of all that is available to me all the time. In this experience of living, the concept of regret no longer exists.