Out of Stuckness, back into your Life-stream

We have had a late summer, in England, that has suddenly turned cold, wet and windy with the onset of autumn. However, the county-side is still very green and does not portray the expected hues of yellow, red and gold as yet. There have been some beautiful days with blue skies. It has been delightful, if a little unfamiliar. Economic, political and pandemic issues continue to abound around the world. More unpredictability and uncertainty. It feels as though everything is being caught up in a vortex – a whirlwind of change – hurtling into the unknown. Both exciting and frightening. Excitement about new adventures and fear of the unexpected.


Comfortability with the past, reluctance to change and fear of the future can lead to paralysis. Stuckness , indecision, procrastination and fogginess can set in and real life is suspended. 

What is needed is Calm, Clarity and Consciousness.

Calm comes from the Peace and Love within each and every one of us. Sometimes it is hard to find or appears unobtainable, but it is there. It takes courage and willingness to truly seek it from within. 

Clarity is always at the core, often surrounded by clouds of doubt, mis-direction and fear created by the mind. Firstly, we have to focus on what is real. What is actually here in front of us. What actually happened. Dispense with the rambling or dramatic thoughts created by the mind. Fact, not Fiction.

Consciousness and being Present in the moment. Discovering our unique personal sanctuary. It may be a place of worship, a coffee shop or a place to connect with Nature. It may be entirely virtual, internal, cerebral or spiritual. It is a portal to our eternal home.


Notice the flourish of seed heads on simple grasses waving in the wind in all their glory, to delight us.