Power and Authority

In every culture throughout history, rulers and conquerors have built edifices to impress and subdue their subjects and strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. It usually succeeded until the collective consciousness of the people united to assert their desire and their birthright of freedom.


Even today in our various attempts at democracy in the Western world, we feel the hand of authority uncomfortably encroaching upon our liberty. Some rebel and protest. Others conform and all complain to each other. It can provoke the Fight or Flight reflexes and the often-missed Freeze syndrome where the mind is overloaded and cannot decide what to do.


For the majority of law-abiding citizens, there is nothing to fear from those empowered to govern us. However, there is often underlying fear of authority, uniforms and consequences. This may have arisen from childhood experiences of discipline, or adult conflicts or even warfare and the portrayal of history and culture. Many take this into their work environment and relationships to the detriment of their lives.


Fear is the core of all human limitations. Much of it is imagined rather than real. [This is not to dismiss the very real experiences of abject terror endured by some souls. We are in the realm of the common experience of dealing with stress.] Negative assumptions can play a large part here. Just because the boss has the power to fire, it does not mean he will abuse it against you, or even be allowed to do so. He might just support and encourage you in your growth.


If we constantly fear and look for the dark, we will find it. Instead of making assumptions, we can choose to experience what is real and express ourselves from love. Those who may appear stern, authoritative and intimidating are often in fear. They may be just doing their job as they have been instructed and be in fear of making mistakes. The bully is usually insecure and even cowardly when challenged. Behind the mask, the uniform, the pretence, is the human - just like you.


Be in the light and know that the world is good, kind and loving – just like you.


Help keep it that way. Be your loving fear-less self. It is all love!