The Beauty of Transition

We resist it. We dislike it. We fear it, but change happens anyway. Just as the seasons and the whole cycle of Nature is changing, we are in constant change. We sometimes notice when somebody has changed, but usually because we have not seen them for a while. We do not perceive the gradual, incremental changes that are almost imperceptible.


The seasons vary in duration and rate of change. There is a state of transition from one to the next. So too do we transition in our unique stages of growth; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and in our social maturity.


In our path of self-discovery or rediscovery, we often reach a plateau and think we have ‘arrived’. That is, until the next drama or event puts us on our back again! This reminds us that we are on an eternal journey and not seeking a destination. Every transition is an emergence. A deepening of understanding, of experiencing the Self at a higher level and going beyond the mind.


This is not a race and there are no medals. You have all the time you need and progress at your own pace in your unique life-stream. These transitions are to be enjoyed just as much as the rest of this human experience.


So, if you are feeling unsettled, unsure and a little unfamiliar with what is going on in your life right now, just know that you are passing through a transition and all is well!