The Joy of Spring and Being

There are many signs in Nature that reveal the re-awakenings going on all around us at this time of year. Some are unmissable; like the earlier sunrise, daffodils, leaves and buds emerging, but we are mostly unconscious of the millions of life-forms about to start their life-cycle or complete it.


The life-force, the energy, the expansion and abundance; the growing spectrum of colour and texture; the smells of new growth; the growing awareness of all that is!


How amazing to be alive at this time, on this planet, with so much change evolving, flowing and surging everywhere. Some of it may be seen as tragic and calamitous. Many of us have had dear-ones depart. This is all part of Life and beyond our control. It just is. As one departs, another arrives. And so it goes on. The old patterns of behaviours are being challenged to change all over the world.


Now is a time to rejoice in the present. It’s called ‘the present’, because it is a gift. Actually, it’s all there is. This moment. This is life.

All that has past, has gone. The future is pure imagination.


To enjoy life, you have to be here – in this moment – truly present, aware and available as you. The real you, in all your magnificence!