The Path to Self Mastery

The world is undergoing great shifts at an ever-faster pace. The impact of the virus COVID-19 will be felt for years to come. Our individual lives can get caught up in an overwhelming sea of change where we can feel that we are helplessly being swept along a current in an unknown direction, fraught with dangers. This can have a negative impact upon our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

To overcome this we need to regain our power and rediscover our natural immunity. This begins with our relationship with ourselves and observing how we relate to our world and all that is in it. From small interactions and changing perspectives we can transform our experience of this life and grow into our greatest version of the True Self.

Michael is currently looking to express his multi-faceted learning and life-long experience by writing articles on topics frequently brought up by clients from their everyday lives. This series will be developed into web-pages, booklets, classes, broadcasts, workshops and howsoever and wherever it may best assist all concerned.

If any of these resonate and feel relevant to where you are in your life right now, then you are invited to step forward to look at them, embrace them and either release or go beyond them. This takes courage, but if you are willing, just a small step can lead to freedom and “The greatest freedom is the freedom to be the Self”. This practice is Self Mastery.