The Season of Goodwill during COVID-19 et al lockdown

As Humanity faces the challenge of a global pandemic with all of the loss, grief and chaos it brings, we find a closer and deeper connection with each other. The acts of kindness, devotion and love being displayed, shared and appreciated reminds us that we are all one.


The greater loving level of connectedness is our Universal Original state that we sometimes lose. We lose it when we lose the connection, firstly with the Self, then the Higher Self and consequently with each other.


Keeping our connection is not by social media alone, but by our very own Presence, awareness and ability to Be in the Now in a state of unconditional love. This beingness is our unique contribution to the Oneness of all that is.


So, living at this amazing time of accelerated growth and change on the planet is a privilege! To witness the shifts in perceptions, attitudes and collective responsibilities for ourselves; our collaboration and achievements for the higher good; our response to a virus that is changing our behaviour faster and more profoundly than any philosopher, leader or politician could ever have imagined.


May the Season of Goodwill become the Age of Goodwill to all!