What is Sunrise to you?

A new day dawning?

New beginnings? 

Excited? In awe?

Or just another day – more of the same; same problems, same drudge, same fears.

How easy it is to fall into the negative trap of striving to survive instead of actually living.

I say ‘Life is to be enjoyed, not endured’ and we have a choice. We can’t always change the circumstances, but we can always change how we approach them.

Glass half empty – pessimist? Glass half full – optimist? How would it be to just accept half a glass? Neither good, nor bad. Not judged. Grateful for what is and not lacking the other half; not expecting a full glass; not wanting more than we need.

Life can be full of demands, rights and expectations. These can quickly lead to discontent. In our consumption-driven economic system, we rarely stop to ask ‘when is it enough?’


To be able to really live and experience this life, we have to be present in it. Fully conscious of who we are, our minds and bodies and our relationship with the world around us and all that’s in it. We need to have such love for ourselves that we create the capacity to emanate love back into the world, unconditionally to all. This is our Original state. Our Natural state. From here we see the sunrise for what it is and what it means to our planet Earth, and all living things. We can appreciate the gift of life to see in this new day and not take it for granted. For life is precious. Our time here is finite. How shall I use this day, this hour, this moment? I have infinite choice. It is my choice.


How will you choose to experience this day?