

Wisdom, Experience and Knowledge


There is a misperception that old age equals wisdom. A longer life is exactly that. Many years of existence, not necessarily more time actually experiencing all that life has to offer. Those who live an active and richly varied life will have correspondingly more experience. This may contain a great deal of drama, but does not necessarily give rise to wisdom.


Age is no indicator of the availability of wisdom. Small children can seem capable of very wise observations, when actually what they have is uncluttered clarity and the freedom to say exactly what they see without fear of social judgement. With age, some are able to shed the life-time of fear of being judged and feel free, at last, to express themselves freely, but this is not always wisdom. Conversely, some people revert to childish behaviours and get lost in the past.


Learned people may be attributed wisdom when what they display is great knowledge. Knowledge is a collection of data and learning. It takes wisdom to apply it usefully to the benefit of all.


Wisdom often manifests as a deep knowing of the Self and recognising when it is better to do nothing; not to interfere; not to add to the drama; knowing it’s not your business and what will be to the greatest good of all concerned; when to allow events to take their natural course and when to allow yourself to do or express what you know you are there for. It may be just for others and not necessarily for your self.


Wisdom is Self-knowing and fearless Self-expression with equal love for all concerned.